The Dark Side of INFJ The World's Rarest Personality Type

Brainy Dose Presents: The Unexpected Dark Side Of INFJ - The World'sRarest Personality Type The Myers-Briggs Type The indicator has sixteen personality types. INFJ - the Introverted iNtuitive Feeling and Judging type - is the rarest, and is often misunderstood. Generally, INFJs are known for caring deeply about humanity - they are incredibly altruistic. You can see this clearly by the INFJs in history- like Mother Teresa, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr.

If there were a personality type most likely to right wrongs through a social movement, it would be the INFJ. And while INFJs are kind, considerate, and gentle, they also possess darker personality traits that are far less becoming. In fact, this Myers-Briggs personality type hosts some historical villains, as well. That said, wherever INFJs fall on the spectrum of morality, they tend to be passionate about causes they believe are just. If you want to know more about the dark side of the INFJ personality, keep watching to learn more about their darker tendencies.

Extremely High Expectations INFJs might believe that their expectations are realistic, but the truth is that they set brutally high standards - more often than not. They apply these lofty expectations to themselves, as well as others - to everyone's detriment. They tend to expect the most from those closest to them - like their children, best friends, or romantic partners. In new relationships, in particular, INFJs tend to feel discouraged after the honeymoon phase - once the excitement and romance fade. And even though this stage of boredom is inevitable, INFJs continue to set the bar excessively high for their relationship.

As they wonder if their connection still retains value, the INFJ may create chaos for themselves. They might not admit it, but what they truly desire is ideal relationships and often unattainable goals. That goes for everything else in their lives, too. While it's easy to say that nobody's perfect, INFJs have a hard time understanding that and recognizing when someone needs a break (including themselves). Moodiness Some INFJs are better at hiding their emotions from other people. Most can appear calm when they absolutely have to; others, wear their emotions on their sleeves. Either way, the INFJ experiences intense emotions that can easily influence their behavior.

Instead of talking through their problems, this personality type can push others away and opt to throw a pity party for one. Even though INFJs would like to confide in someone, they usually fear being misunderstood. In fact, they can find themselves just as confused about their moods as others are. INFJs are introverts, which means that they need time alone to sort through their emotions. But this alone time can easily go overboard as they self-isolate. When this personality type does open up, they often apologize for talking about their feelings - because they don't want to feel like a burden.

Paranoia and Self-Destruction INFJs often pride themselves on grasping motives. They tend to understand ‘why people do things’ or where others' heads are at. That's because INFJs possess introverted intuition. It helps them assess and predict the actions of others. And while this feature can be a guiding light that aids in understanding different perspectives and connecting to others on a deeper level, in its unhealthy expression, it can lead to suspicions about other people and their motives. The problem begins when the INFJ doesn't trust their intuition as they should. This loss of trust is often seen in their romantic relationships - when the INFJ questions their lover's fidelity.

In this case, benign events may trigger the INFJ to perceive a threat. Even when the INFJs doubts are unfounded, they may begin to devolve into a pattern of negative thoughts and improper behaviors. They can also lose their sense of direction and purpose, leading to paranoia - and ultimately on a path of self-destruction. Overreaction and a Downward Spiral of Stress On the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, intuition and sensing are counterparts. Intuition relies on foresight; sensing relies on observing reality. Since INFJs possess strong intuition, they often lack the ability to see things literally and focus on concrete details. When INFJs make a sensing mistake, they might disregard the facts. When this weakness is pointed out, they often become defensive and irritated.

 This personality type can also become unfocused, clumsy, and prone to accidents. Small incidents that reveal these traits can cause the INFJ further detriment. This frustration and annoyance at their own flaws can cause INFJ stress. As the pressure to perform well only creates further disappointment at their perceived failures, the INFJ may begin to obsess. This might result in compulsive tendencies or overindulgence in pleasure. INFJs are known to overreact to failure and take part in a downward spiral. They may overeat or overspend as they withdraw - becoming increasingly self-centered. And as their attitude toward the outer world worsens, they may feel a loss of control and develop even more defensive tendencies.

Extreme Stubbornness INFJs love to plan for the future. They often see the world as a series of events leading up to the big picture. However, we all know that life always manages to get in the way of plans. People with this personality type often have difficulty accepting the changes in their lives. They are often perceived as stubborn because they actively dislike change. And for a good reason. It wreaks havoc on their plans, steals away any sense of control, and can send them into that downward spiral of overreaction. Accepting things for how they are isn't easy for INFJs, and they usually become restless and dissatisfied after the change. With time, the INFJ will learn to adapt – but that won't stop them from making new plans. An Overly Critical Outlook INFJs love to provide others with helpful advice, but they're often incapable of supporting others in a way that focuses on acceptance rather than action.

While they can easily see any situation from multiple perspectives, and their honesty comes from a well-intentioned place - a proactive plan isn't always what their friends are looking for. Their opinions may come off as judgemental or, in the worst-case scenario, borderline cruel. Those who possess this personality type may never intend to hurt others with their honesty, but that doesn't mean that they don't. While INFJs want the best for those around them, they sometimes do more harm than good with their overly critical opinions. Bottled Up Feelings and Emotional Explosions INFJs are usually a source of comfort for their loved ones - because they are extremely sensitive to other people's needs and desires.

However, friends and family of the INFJ may not recognize their needs just as effortlessly. To worsen the situation, it is not uncommon for the INFJ to fail in communicating those needs. They opt to bottle up their emotions – and keep the peace instead of confronting someone about feeling hurt. Then, the negative emotions and memories of being wronged, pile up. After their patience is exhausted, the INFJ can't resist an explosion of their frustrations. While their feelings are valid and stem from many wrongdoings, it can often seem like the INFJ is overreacting. Drastically Ending Relationships Since INFJs are 'judgers,' they put serious thought into their decisions and don't usually act on impulse. When they 'slam the door' on someone, it's usually for a good reason, and never without intense contemplation.

However, there are times when they cut someone out when they really shouldn't. Since the INFJ often struggles to communicate their feelings, the other person may not be aware that something is wrong. If they were, they might try to solve the problem. Whether or not cutting someone off is the best decision for the INFJ, the situation is always painful for everyone involved. The INFJ feels that they can't tolerate injustice any longer. The other person may be taken off guard by the INFJs sudden loss of interest. When this personality type slams the door on someone in their life, they may completely ignore the other person. They may even 'ghost' them and not tell them why they don't want to talk anymore.

Sometimes, cutting a person out of their lives entirely isn't an option. They might work, live, or attend school together. In this case, the INFJ will become emotionally distant. They'll give the cold shoulder when they can - and if they must engage, they'll do it at the lowest capacity possible. INFJs are known to end relationships abruptly because they often don't give a voice to their pain. Manipulative Tendencies Because INFJs can easily read others, they tend to be incredibly good at using that information to their advantage. INFJs tend to manipulate others into saying things or acting a certain way - without even realizing what they're doing.

For a personality type that despises being the victim of a lie or being manipulated themselves, admitting that they might be toxic is an extremely difficult realization to confront. While INFJs are known for their intelligence, sometimes their self-awareness needs work. Self-reflection can make all the difference in the world - so that they can use their intuition for good, not for evil. Each Myers-Briggs Personality Type has its own ups and downs, and every person possesses their own strengths and weaknesses. For the INFJ personality type, these limitations may often come as a surprise. With a typically gentle and compassionate nature, the INFJ is also prone to outbursts and severe reactions.

And While the Myers-Briggs test can help you identify your strengths and flaws, know that no two people are exactly alike. Some INFJs may not relate to these dark tendencies, while people with other personality types may see some of these traits in themselves. What do you think about all this? Are you an INFJ? And, do you struggle with any of these characteristics? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. If you enjoyed this video, give it a thumbs-up, and share it with your friends, so they can keep making them. For more videos like this, hit the subscribe button, and remember to click on the notification bell.

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