Hey there mark one can hear your social media for business specialist and this video is a beginner's guide to understanding and utilizing Twitter now Twitter's been around for well over ten years. Now hundreds of millions of people worldwide engage on the platform every day but for the vast majority of people around the world and the business community around the world, Twitter is still a mystery regarding how to use it so it is a great platform to understand and start implementing into your social media mix. So let's go to some live screen action now and you can follow my mouse as I do mystify the world of Twitter grab a pen and grab a coffee and let's dive straight into it right now.
So here we are on my Twitter profile as we get straight into this lesson and if you're watching this video on YouTube don't forget to hit the subscribe button below to stay up to date with all of my content ticks the bell icon as well that way you get notified each time. I upload one of my videos so Twitter for business is an amazing tool but the vast majority of people around the world and the business community around the world still really haven't got their head around how to use it. So this is very much a beginner's guide to Twitter I do have other videos that go into a little bit more detail on other areas of it but this is a beginner's guide to Twitter that everyone will be able to now start setting up a profile setting up an account and getting on to it straight away.
Today as at the end of this tutorial so what is Twitter well Twitter is a real-time information sharing network we can share information instantly and connect with other people around the world. I like to explain it in a way it's a bit like texting people online and around the world, that type of thing 88% of usage though is via a mobile phone. It's very much a mobile phone centric and a tweet is a message that consists of a maximum of two hundred and eighty characters. Now that's come up and doubled from initially 140 characters but it's short sharp information getting their information out to the business community around the world and you can add images and videos and links as well some of the Twitter stats. We can read them all on the screen they're been going for well over 10 years.
Now a billion accounts 300 to 400 million active users very popular all around the world most people who are on Twitter nearly 50 percent of them or 46% it's probably nearly 50% now are using it daily and I am one of the billions of search queries per day. That's right there are billions of searches that happen on Twitter every day so that's why it is important. If you're in business or you have a brain to have a presence on Twitter as well to combine it with all of your other social media platforms and mix before we thought to start getting overly active on Twitter. We have to set up your account set up your profile and there are many features or there are many arm steps to doing that and this is a great slide.
That I found so I thought we can actually follow through this one as we go how to correctly set up your Twitter profile and there are seven parts to that number one is your banner image or your cover image. Now less it's of less importance on Twitter because the vast majority of people are on a mobile phone but you want to make it in line with everything else. You're doing on your social media so your banner or your cover image 1500 by 500 pixels opportunity for you to promote your course. LF and your business we then move on to number two which is your profile image for some of you it will be a photo of yourself like it is for me for most of you. It'll probably be your business logo your profile name is number three over here maximum of twenty characters. You have a profile name it does get a little bit confusing because that is different from your user name or your Twitter handle your Twitter handle. That's where you see that at and then you would have your Twitter handles a maximum of 15 characters only there so you need to get a little bit creative in your bio. You only get a maximum character length of 160 characters over here so again being creative and you do have the opportunity to put a link in your boy-oh as well so, that's how you correctly set up your Twitter profile go to the time and effort to do that because you want to stop the scroll when someone lands on your Twitter profile or any of your socials. You want to stop the scroll you want to make a great first impression oh sorry and also you can pin a tweet on the top.
So if you've got a particular tweet or a promotion you want it you can actually pin that to the top of your page. So it will become the first thing someone will see when they have a look at your profile, so your profile tells the world. Who you are and it works in conjunction with all of your other social media sites and websites to tell your story so remembering. You're wanting to pick out an appropriate handle with 15 characters or less that's all you do get so you've got to make it your name or your business brand or a combination or be creative and remembering your bio only has 160 characters. So you want to be clear and concise and this is the BBC's new service their Twitter profile their Twitter account this is taken from my desktop.
They've done everything correctly as you would expect a news organization like them and this is that more condensed down version via mobile but they've done everything correctly he was a post. That I snapped when I did a screenshot they posted it four minutes ago about the Japanese Prime Minister so follow some of the most prominent or well-known Twitter accounts to take inspiration and see and model exactly what they've done while saying that this is just a simple Twitter profile. That I saw and I'm gonna use it as an example, Lisa. I don't know but I just love what she's done she's done everything correctly regarding setting up a profile it's clear it's neat it's simple and it tells her story she's done all of those boxes that ticked all of those boxes that I mentioned before and her link I liked down the bottom here.
She's actually linking back to her LinkedIn profile I love that creativity of that and what she's done on her profile so once you've set up you then want to start following others. That's what Twitter is all about it's a bit like you scratch my back and I scratch your back you want to start following others and staying up to date with you know what they're doing for their business or brand or personalities that type of thing so you want to follow others with intent and relevance and a good portion of them will follow you back you want to follow others in line with your new sure your industry to stay in touch you want to follow your customers may be your suppliers business partners contractors trade organizer Asians local businesspeople as well.
That's the idea I even follow your competitors to stay across what they're doing and what others say about them that's right follow your competitors stay up to date stay close to them and of course. It's okay to be human as well and follow influences celebrity sports stars and brands you're interested in remembering we are people first before we are the job we do the business we run the brand that we work for after we've done that we want to start engaging with others and when you start engaging by liking and commenting and sharing and we do that by posting ourselves and we do that by engaging with others.
So posting strategy you can be posting news blogs contents images and videos is a whole range of things that we can now start posting on Twitter and again this. this applies to all of our social media platforms as well so a posting strategy could be on Monday what's planned for the week ahead of Tuesday you might share some industry news Wednesday some helpful tips and information. Now this is all regard to a business remembering this is Twitter for beginners but from a business perspective so all of this information is regarding you your business and brain to help promote you your business and bring maybe on Thursday you want to highlight something about your business maybe have a call to action a post with a call to action in it Thursday again you might have a story about your staff Friday may be a very direct call to action by now book near. I'm if you're a restaurateur or a function send or order now call to actions if we don't ask people to do anything they won't do anything so by actually having a call to action mazing things.