Hello, my beauties welcome back to my website. We are going to do sugar waxing at home first of all. Let me tell you what is this sugar waxing the sugar waxing is the same as like norma vaccine. But the ingredients are totally different. So what does sugar waxing do this will help you a lot in removing all the facial hair blackheads and tan from your face what are the benefits of this sugar waxing. This sugar waxing will help you a lot in removing the facial here without any pain and the second thing is that this will give wash this will give you a shield close to your face and this will also make your face very soft. So beauty is today I'm going to teach you how to make this sugar wax and how you have to apply this by applying it on myself.
So beauty is what are we waiting for let's get started beauty's first of all you have to take one pan like this and the first thing. Which I'm going to add is one cup o white sugar our second ingredient is one whole lemon. I have already removed the seat. Now I'm squeezing it into the saucepan after mixing sugar and lemon juice. I am going to add 1/4 of water mixing them well and I am going to put it on the stove guys you have to put the pan on medium flame and bring it to boil for 8 to 10 minutes. You have to keep stirring it until it converts into a dark golden brown sealer. It is still transparent as you can see so beauty is after 8 minutes you can see it is totally dark golden brown.
Now I am pulling it into the glass bowl to the east you have to let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes beauties. Now I am taking two waxing strips I have cut it down into two pieces or you can take cotton clothes right. Now I am not having anything on my face as you can see I am taking my ball of agonizes too hot actually beauty's just made sure. It should not be too hot it should be pretty warm and you have to take a very thin layer of this vessel this makes sure. It should not be too hot this work seen as Maxim but this sugar waxing is too good. It will remove all the tan and will make your face. So glowy and soft out oh yes it has removed my small baby here hope you can see a very tiny one
. Now I'm trying to remove this one whoa whee dis is amazing to see this. I just love this vaccine you can see so beauties now let's try it on blackheads will it remove or not I'm taking again my the sugar wax and applying. It on my nose like this oh my goodness like this taking the strip I'm going to boil it. Yes it removes the blackheads awesome Wow but we then see let's do the forehead also can you see it removes to her. Wow I'm spraying some waters so beauties at last I will highly recommend you to go with the sugar waxing this is amazing this is ultimate. I must say oh and give you a glow on your face hope you can see this oh my goodness. I'm feeling so soft this is amazing seriously. So guys at last take care do follow me on Instagram see you in my next video stay tuned please share my video as much as you can and I love you so much, guys.