So what are the best settings for your DSLR when it comes to creating and shooting videos in this video? I'm going to break down the exact settings. I'm using to get this shot right here as well as how to set up your DSLR. So it looks the best coming up hey what's up guys sean here with thick media TV help you go further faster in media and on this channel, we do tech gear reviews video gear reviews as well as even how to use your gear videos.
Just like this one so if you're new here consider subscribing and hey at any point during this video. I'll list out all the gear that we're using to produce this video in the description below in case you want to see the camera models lenses lighting and things like that let's jump into the tutorial. So if you're reading this article you already know that DSLRs can create awesome-looking videos. So can mirrorless cameras but sometimes they're hard to get the settings right like how do you get them to look right and produce a good looking video shot.
Maybe you see other people's content you're like. Why doesn't my you know I have the same camera but what is it my video footage looks like that so I want to break down the exact settings. That I use step-by-step so you can apply them to your DSLR or your mirrorless camera to get great results. When it comes to video. So now let's jump behind the camera to see how this shot is set up ok so we're going to jump into the setup right here in this particular video. We're shooting on a Canon 70d we use a rode mic. It's got a tripod we're shooting with the ring light just my office right here and so let's look at the settings and the order at which we go through these to get the perfect shot and again this is going to apply to any canon camera Nikon camera.
That you're using or even mirrorless cameras as well are going to the same principles are definitely going to apply so let's jump into it right now okay. So the first setting that you want to think about when you're setting up your camera is actually your frame rate and so you want to know what is the frame rate of the video. That you're shooting and so on a 70 d here I have pretty much the option between 30 frames per second or two four frames per second. If you're International you're going to be on pal so you could do like 25 frames but you want to know what that is and so we shoot our videos at 30 frames a second so we're at HD setting at 30 frames some cameras are doing 60.
Now and here's why you want to know what your frame rate is because it's 30 frames the first setting. You want to set is actually your shutter speed and so that's this number right here and to get smooth motion in the video. Your shutter speed should be double the frame rate of your video so because we're at 30 frames that's why we set it at 60. If we were shooting at 24 frames you'd shoot it at 50 you get as close as possible and so you 250. So that's the first number that you want to set up right what that does if it's wrong is it sometimes gives you a jittery picture people want that they do it intentionally for effect but if you want your video motion to be perfectly smooth aligned with the frame rate.
Then you want to make sure this is set up right also sometimes LED lights and different lights will be blinking and the blink is caused by incongruence between the shutter speed and the frame rate of the video. So first off we're at 30 frames on our 70d here 1080 30 frames and next up we will shoot the shutter speed and so we'll make sure that's set to 60. Now the next thing that we want to set is our aperture and in this case, we want to set it based on the lower this number could be if we had a fast lens. If you had a lens that's kind of like the nifty 50 that goes down to say 1.8 the blurry or the background would be so if we have to say my hand is in focus the background is blurry a lower aperture number will give you more of a blurry background it also will give you better low-light and so sometimes the lower this number can be the better. It'll work in low life so whatever your aperture is going to be you want to set that next and in most cases.
I make it as low as possible so if we're already zoomed in on this image. I got a picture of my wife and right there where a face would be if that's where if we're going to be zoomed in like this. This is as low as it goes so typically. I go as low as that can go and then that allows me to then do I so last and so your eye so once your shutter speed is pretty much set you typically. So that's at sixty no matter what in this case. I'm as low as I can go and this lens is all the way zoomed in is five-six. That's as low as it goes so now if you tap your shutter button you have an exposure meter right here and right in the center is that white line is telling you. Your shot is evenly exposed so in this case, it's a little underexposed so then what you can use ISO for at the end is you can go up to get more light in your image, and now it's perfectly exposed across the image or you could go down.
If it's overexposed based on your ISO settings now the downside to ISO is that on most cameras the higher this number gets the lower quality the image is and so on cropping frame sensor like this. I never would want to go over 800 actually and even that is a little bit high and the way to prevent. That is to have more light so in this case, we're shooting with this ring light. If we actually turn up the brightness here now it's all the way maxed out now we're a little overexposed based on when we tap the shutter and get our exposure meters so now we could take our ISO and we could actually drop it down. Now we're at 640 and you have got a shot that is set up to recap you've got your 60 at 5.6 and you got 640 ISO and now the video content shot on this is going to look great but we're not done yet the kind of final step here.
That I like to do is actually set white balance with a gray card. Now I'm not sure the science behind why gray works for great white balance, you can also use white but these are great cards you can get these on Amazon. I'll post a link in the description below but what you actually, do with this I have it set to auto white balance right now and that sometimes will turn out a butt white balance is what really is going to make your video look right for skin tones. So especially if you're like beauty or lifestyle YouTuber you're trying to do or an art YouTuber and you're trying to like get react urine color reproduction or you just want to make great-looking videos setting custom white balance is great and sometimes - like even in this room.
We have different lives light sources all around the room and so this is going to say okay here's the perfect color for this shot exactly as it is right here so to set this all you really got to do is you put the gray card out there to fill the frame you actually take a photo of it and then on this camera and pretty much every camera DSLR or mirrorless is going to have this option you go in and you pick custom white balance and then what you do is you set it according to that image and now it's using that image as a reference and then you can just go into your white balance you make sure to set it on custom. So now that white balance of the shot is set according to this white based on this ring lights light shining on that and that's going to give you pretty much accurate color representation and based on what we're seeing here. It's looking pretty good news especially because we can see a blue poster the green the yellow and our human eye based on what we're seeing on the screen here it looks accurate and your most important thing is your skin tone. That's really what you want to be most accurate so setting your custom white balance with a grey card you can also do this you could do it the white side you could also, do with the white piece of paper and some other things as well you just follow that exact same framework.