This thing on oh my god I'm going vertical today. I'm excited about this. I'm just gonna take up more of your screen. So you can see what's up hey, I'm Alexandra I make youtube videos and I feel like. I feel like summer is like one of those times. Where ads make it out to be effortless and easy and chic but in reality for me. This is like the hardest time of year beauty-wise. I mean all my issues hair issues more hair issues lots of hair issues. I'm giving you five beauty tips to make these issues a little bit easier and the truth is anybody. Who's ever looked put together or beautiful or effortless.
They're putting in a lot of effort and summer is one of those times. Where it's actually not effortless to look your best and I'm gonna share.Some things that will put you on the fast track to feeling really confident. Okay, let's start the video also give it a thumbs up. If you enjoy but if you don't give it a thumbs down that lets me know. How you feel and let's get started let's talk about makeup. Because makeup has a completely different feel. It has a completely different effect in the summertime. Then it does in any other season makeup is a colored cosmetic. We're using color to redefine and enhance our features in a way that feels good but in the summertime. The texture is the first thing the eye notices about makeup and well. When I think of the Sun I think of it as happy and light and cheerful. But it's actually very abrasive and it casts high contrast over the skin and washes out color. But emphasizes texture.
So that's why I recommend it before you choose your makeup look think about. What kind of lighting you're going to be in and this is something. I consider it because I personally like to cater to my look, not to photographs. Where I would wear more makeup for but for in-person things because that's.Where I want to look my best leave behind structural makeup changes. Like doing a cut crease and go or our bold colors. If you're gonna have some fun but keep it. Simple on the skin and reduce the amount of foundation and coverage. You're wearing that simpler looks look. So much better in the summertime and that's. Because the first thing that stands out is color and silhouette in the sunlight. So redirecting your attention from bold bright makeup. Looks and finding ways to add that to engaging fabric silhouettes and dresses that don't necessarily have to be tight hairstyles that are half up. This can really emphasize your whole look and that's because in a really high contrast lighting situation. the silhouette of your clothing is what's really going to stand out the most with all that said in the summertime.
It's time to enhance your biological beauty the elements. We all share before we add color cosmetics on top .Like hair skin brows and lips finding ways to enhance. This naturally occurring thing is about us is going to make us feel more confident and beautiful in a much quicker way. Now it's not easy to pull off a no-makeup look with literally not a stitch of makeup . But I'm gonna show you a no-makeup look we're not gonna use any foundation and this is going to be aiming to show that there is absolutely nothing. But naturalness happening on the face. This look is going to play to the natural elements of beauty that make us. Seem healthy and sexy and naturally gorgeous and we're going to be using photoshop techniques with makeup to really make. This looks real you've heard sunscreen as good for sun protection to prevent cancer etc aging. But this I want to tell you actually will help you continually brighten your skin over time.
If you're using a sunscreen every single day and you absolutely must. If we're gonna continue this relationship together. Just kidding but seriously please start using sunscreen. It will help your skin brighten over time especially. If you're using any form of skincare this is gonna protect you from dullness and sallowness. Which will make you look more naturally pretty over time. Now continuing with our theme of biological. Beauty it's time for your lip plumper. I love this and by this, I just mean like any lip plumper. It doesn't have to be this one in fact I'll link my favorite one below. But using any lip plumper is always going to like bring blood to the surface. When there's no blood in the lips. They look like a purple ashy color and when there is they look beautiful.
So I'm gonna wipe it off after five minutes and then move on to the next step. Now if you've never applied blush to bare skin I encourage you to give it a try even if you need to use a little spot concealer. If you have some acne try a peach blush.Because it brightens up dullness in the skin and some of the same things. We're getting from the coverage of the blush. We'd be looking for in a foundation. You might find that you need less than you think. Now that we've got a few pretty and juicy looking focal points on the face let's correct. Some of the pigment that doesn't seem. So flattering this under-eye of mine has a lot of blue tones. So I'm using a peach color corrector and this is going to brighten up the area and I'm putting this above the lip for discoloration as well. I'm gonna blend everything. After I spot conceal and make sure that it blends seamlessly as especially staying pigmented in the areas. I placed it down the lips and the blush are both bringing a beautiful rosy flush and the last step is to lift the lashes all the way up.
So that they look wide-awake and bright applying mascara is really easy. When they're lifted because it automatically makes you look beautiful skin brows the lips are taken care of and now the face looks still pretty plain. But really beautiful and bright and you can't tell that. I'm wearing makeup this last step is going to look like a little shimmer and makeup and that's cool. Because it looks like that's all I'm wearing put a little highlighter on the cheeks. If you want to glow in the Sun. So as a result of like focusing on those aspects of doing my makeup. I realized I actually want to get my lashes lifted permanently. I love this treatment. I feel like this is one of those beauty treatments that have a really high. Like appreciation rate like. I don't think anyone would not appreciate the way that this looks. It makes a mascara look. So beautiful like your lashes you.
Just wake up and they're like already standing up. Which you wouldn't think makes like a huge difference like. I feel like when people think of eyelashes. They want to extend them and make them. So much larger but sometimes it's those subtle differences that will make. You still feel like you but like way more beautiful and that is such a powerful feeling okay so the first visual. Where I am like yeah the arrows pointing that's. Where I have my brows bleached and on the other side. I don't have them bleached bleaching my brows is one of those subtle changes that brightens up the face and. If you have ever used a Lightner in your hair put some highlights in or balayage highly recommend using a brow Lightner there's a small amount of like black pigment that has a bit of a gray tone in it that lives in the eyebrow and I want to remove that entirely. So leaving this on for only five minutes makes. It really easy to just take that gray shade out and I'm left behind with the darkest brunette brow. If you've ever lightened your hair give this a try and if you have a medium or olive skin tone like me you might really like this for rightening.Your face thumbs up. If you're enjoying the video so far. So I know if you like it in life.
I noticed sometimes like we go in circles we're like chasing something or we're constantly having the same thing come up again and again and patterns are just like. Such a thing for me I always want to master stuff. When I see a pattern and I notice the same issues the same things that made me feel insecure. Like ten years ago are still there strawberry legs are one of the big things. I've dealt with an ultimate body hair like being way hairier. Than like everybody and like having thick dark hair that actually lives underneath the skin even. If I shaved even if I was I always had dots. So laser hair removal is the one solution that will actually remove the hair from the root. So those little dark dots no longer appear now if you have little red dots on the skin that's a sign of inflammation and that can be fixed with glycolic washes ha products and things in the shower that will exfoliate the pore. Now it's difficult as it is to have strawberry legs. But it is really normal especially because light hair naturally would let dark hair show through.
So the only way to really get rid of strawberry legs. If it's from hair is to get a laser to permanently remove the root this is not. Just a beauty treatment this is me ending the chase this is me ending that thing that's making me feel terrible every single time. I have to wear shorts this is that thing that's like providing a solution for something that's gonna boost. My confidence in a really really big way this requires an investment of time and money and I realize that. I've made excuses for not doing things that require both time and money. But I've been chasing other things to kind of like mask my lack of confidence over these issues. So like I'd rather not chase clothing or things like that I'd rather put some money aside and really solve my problems. So I truly feel great summer for me feels like the perfect time to learn and I've been I actually considered going back to school recently, because I I just been really passionate about improving like the content that I'm making and like getting really accurate on things. Like, skin and anyways I really like skin that's what I'm getting at here. I thought maybe I would study it in school to be like a professional.
You know because I like keeping my skin clear but it's funny. Because it like I thought I really had it down with the skin thing and I was filming this video and I was literally like. Wait let me see do I have like back acne and I do and it's. It was actually pretty bad when I first discovered it. I think I've been dealing with this for longer than I thought but now it's summertime. So I like wanna wear stuff that shows my back and I'm like dammit. I have back acne and I did not know but at the same time. I was like great I've been learning about skin. so I have an opportunity to self-actualize and I love that right away. I knew the game plan because I'd been studying acne. So I'm gonna look at this and a that it doesn't really seem like a mystery to me. I can see that this is really appearing in a tank top kind of racerback shape and it's especially prominent around the bra line area.
The big thing I learned about acne is that making it. More clean making everything more clean does not necessarily mean. You're gonna solve acne it's not a hygiene issue. It's a condition of inflammation and polyester seems to be driving this particular case of acne. Because it's really forming in the line of a bra etc polyester is a fabric that's treated to behave like cotton. So it's treated to become very soft but the reality is it's plastic is going to trap sweat oil air pollutants like. If you're living in a city with any cars in it. There is stuff in the air that you can't even see that's going to combine and kind of like live under your clothing and stop the cell turnover process. So again this is not a matter of dirt. But this is a matter of interrupting and creating inflammation-based around a process that's supposed to happen naturally this process luckily can be assisted with an haz and glycolic acid. I'm gonna use chemical exfoliation in the shower realistically.
I know I got to take a shower every day. So why not use a cleanser that has something that will go into the skin and break the bond between old cells and new cells and those old cells are what's causing the inflammation causing the acne too. Actually, get rid of back acne like I literally. It was like okay I cannot reach my back for sure with my hand, so I had to get one of these things from Amazon. This is just like a back scratcher type vibe thing it's really just for washing yourself and it's really easy to just pop. Some cleanser on it lathers it up slightly. So that you know you're really distributing this and then just use this as a physical exfoliation with your chemical exfoliation.
Cleanser and literally after a few weeks all of the redness was gone and now I'm only dealing with acne scarring. Which is gonna take some time to heal the thing about skincare is you have to make it practical. So that you can maintain consistency this has to be done at least three times a week and then I followed up with a glycolic acid toner this one is not my favorite in terms of using it. Because I don't have a cap for it. So I just like have to pour it in my hand but it really works. Because this will literally kind of gently burn off of the layer of darkness that is creating those acne scars and to protect that I need to put an SPF on even.If the Sun is shining over your clothing. It's still reaching the skin. If you can see through your clothes the Sun is going to darken any of those acne marks. So I had to use a spray SPF religiously and it took some time and in the meantime. It's not perfect but I'm so comfortable to wear backless tops.
Okay, this is so satisfying to me if you really want to look your best. You want to stay fabulous you have to be prepared like it's not an option especially in the summertime. Because plans change it's hard you don't feel like this or that you have to be prepared this is perfect these little like gift with purchase cosmetic bags are gonna be perfect for this little thing. I have a lightweight pack of travel-sized baby wipes these are great for keeping you fresh feminine hygiene is really great on the go and I'm also bringing a little deodorant. Because I might wipe off my deodorant and want to reapply in case. I get really sweaty customize the items in this on-the-go bag. I think a powder compact in case you get oily is a great one try to aim your bag at the situation you'll be in so SPF or maybe.
If you're gonna sleepover. Somewhere a toothbrush set can be really great these are the items that essentially. If you had nothing else they would make you feel great like mascara and brows or a little hairspray and remember what you actually do in your life. So that you can keep things really relative to your lifestyle. I'm gonna pack up these little samples. I never use these guys but it's like. If you bring these with you not only are they waitlist. But you never know what's gonna come in handy and here's what's. So satisfying about this like you will just have this bag living in your house and anytime plans change or things come up you can literally grab it and be. So thankful when you actually end up needing the items in it. I don't know why this is so great but it. Just feels like I'm taking care of my future self and I love that feeling now a little sidetrack from beauty. I used to go to school as a kid and I I didn't really get the greatest grades. I used to get really great grades.
If I cared but that was really rare. If I cared about something I could do well with it. But when I didn't care I really struggled with it I can't do a point. Where I like I would come home and I'm like dad listen. I literally will never need to know this in real lifelike. Why would I ever need to learn something if I'm never gonna use it and he was like listen to Ally this is not about? What is in front of you what you're learning is actually gonna be teaching you? H ow to learn learning how to learn. I mean I barely made it through high school. So I'm not talking about getting great grades. But I did learn a lot about persevering and getting through the things that seem difficult because as somebody. Who's always wanted to follow her own path.
I've run into a ton of moments that would have seemed like closed doors but I've been able to open those and learn things. I didn't know because I hold the confidence with me that I'm I have the skills to be able to learn new things and apply them to my life to change my life and improve my life and with that. I want to thank Skillshare for sponsoring this video this is an online community filled with thousands of different courses and you're learning from people. Who is like self-actualizing what they're teaching? Which is really exciting for me. So I've been learning from experts. I learned all about the art of giving a presentation .which was really helping with what I'm doing right now and then I'm also learning about self-care and a little bit of sewin. Because I really like altering my own clothes and it's really affordable especially compared to classes it's less than ten dollars a month for an annual membership and because Skillshare is sponsoring this post. They're gonna give you two months as a free trial click the link below to join.