The Best Way How to Extend Your Laptop Battery Life

 The Best Way How to Extend Your Laptop Battery Life

So let's be real that laptop that you've had for a while the battery just ain't lasted as long as it did when it was new. So what is there that you can do to try and squeeze a little more juice out of your laptop tip number one don't put it in a Blendtec blender that is not how you juice a laptop tip number two. Well, that's coming but we have to roll the intro first so the first one is super simple and the most obvious screen brightness. So pretty much just turning the brightness down to a still readable but you gotta kinda maybe. You have to move a couple inches closer is going to significantly improve your battery life although it's not always possible and it depends on the environment that you're using it in if you're outside. You simply may not have a choice most computers have a quick you know function key for this but on Windows, if you can't find the hotkey just write the mouse down to the bottom right corner or if you have a touchscreen dragged in from the right and the brightness controls are within the settings right.

The Best Way How to Extend Your Laptop Battery Life

There next up your laptops, built-in speakers, you can lower the volume or turn them off outright in order to save a little bit of power mean being realistic unless you've got like your beats cranking. While you write in your essays replying to your emails it's not going to make much of a difference but consider plugging in headphones. They do consume a little bit less power compared to cranking up the volume of the laptop speakers themselves another option that has become more and more.

Popular with newer laptops is a built-in power management system what this is preset profiles usually through a function key command or a little dashboard within the system tray where you can cycle through different power modes that the manufacturer has laid out for the laptop in most cases although.

They often come up with their own completely ridiculous names for these, there will be a very very power-saving mode usually called like eco or green or something along those lines a regular mode and then like turbo or a high-performance model. Entertainment News If you have an older laptop though which doesn't have this feature you can set this stuff up manually so you can change options in the control panel and create.

your own profiles windows by default have a balanced and high performance one if I recall correctly but you can create your own you can set up all kinds of stuff like what the laptop does when it's on battery and when it's plugged in with respect to the display turning off or the computer going to sleep outright and you can also even set things like maximum processor power and stuff like that so just check out the battery icon in the taskbar or open up the Start menu and type in power or something along those lines something else that might actually help is disabling built-in hardware features that you're not using.

Just like you would do on your phone stuff like Bluetooth when's the last time anyone used Bluetooth on a laptop for anything other than a mouse which let's face it you're not using all the time so watch out for any features like that you can either disable them through software or if you literally, never ever use them a lot of times you can actually disable them outright by going into the BIOS by pressing f2 f10 delete or one of those hot keys and just disabling that feature one more tip if your laptop has a removable battery maybe pick up a spare that's not really a tip for extending the life of your existing battery but actually for older laptops a lot of the time I've been able to find them quite affordably on eBay for example and while it is a bit of a hassle to log it around at least you'll have more power and if your laptop is really getting older. I had one that was about must be wow about five years old at this point where the laptop was at the point where was only holding a charge for like three minutes then throwing a new battery and an SSD that's another way that you can actually save a little bit of power if you have a model that has a replaceable drive in it.

So you throw an SSD in a new battery and you can actually give a laptop a new lease on life as long as the memory and CPU are still somewhat up to snuff so. There you have it just a few tips to help you guys get more out of your laptop let us know down below what you do to make your laptop last longer.

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