5 Secret Instagram Tricks That NOBODY Knows 2020


Hello, today I'm going to be showing you five Instagram tricks that nearly nobody knows. if you know all of the tricks in this video. I will give you my Instagram account and hand viz pen the last video we nearly hit a hundred likes guys. If everyone that likes this video game right now we can do it. We can hit a hundred likes I believe in is okay so the first trick is the fake Instagram TM trick now with this trick. You can make your dreams come true or just trick a lot of people so as you can see here it looks like all of these celebrities have messaged me right Alex makes me look super cool.

 Now guys this may come as a shock but they didn't really message me so miss trick is really easy and it basically is only two steps step number one literally just message them. Anything you want them to say to you step number two slide and press unsend and that's it. If it doesn't show the feature two unread messages just go to your profile press edit profile and then switch to a professional account now you can show people and flex and be basically the most popular person in the world. Even though your mom doesn't even message you back okay the next trick is the Instagram story slide trick okay. So we've probably all had this situation some other person.

Just uploaded an Instagram so religiously a second ago and you really want to see what's in the Instagram story right okay with this trick. You can see what's in the Instagram story without it showing that you've seen. It so here's how to do it just go on to the Instagram story of the person before or after the person you're trying to see since grab story. Then just hold your finger on the screen and slide to the right or to the left depending on where the Instagram story is and then you can see the Instagram story of the other person and it won't show as seen if there is an ad literally.

 Just swipe to the ads and then do the trick it will still work now you can stalk. Everyone without them knowing the next trick is how to see people's old embarrassing Instagram user names now. We've probably all been using Instagram for a long time and throughout the years we may have had some like embarrassing usernames down we don't want anyone to know about you can currently only see this on Instagram accounts of celebrities and guys, some of these celebrities have had really really weird and even like kind of embarrassing Instagram user names in the past. So here's how to do it choose an account press the three dots at the top right and then go to about this account and then click on former usernames now you can see all of their old embarrassing usernames ties with this trick.

 You can expose so many people the next trick is how to unsee an Instagram story now the guy is the worst thing that can ever happen has happened he went on to your crush's Instagram account you're not even following them and you watch their Instagram story accidentally now guys this is the worst situation to be in because you know following them. So they know that you actually type their name into Instagram and then went on to that story to look at what they're doing you look like the the biggest stalker in the world. 


Guys wave before you pack your bags and move to the woods to live a life alone away from everyone away from any civilization on earth. I've got the solution for you you can actually unsee Instagram stories yes that's right you can watch as many Instagram stories as you want and you can fun see them. So, that it doesn't show that you've actually seen the Instagram story it's super simple all you have to do is block the person for 24 hours why 24 hours because as you know Instagram stories are only active for 24 hours. So if you block them you won't be on the list.

It's that simple now guys this next trick might actually freak you out but you can actually see all of your past actions on Instagram. Now guys as I said in the Snapchat tricks video click here here to watch it Instagram Snapchat and all of these other apps they basically save everything you do on the app you can see your comments. That you've done your profile information like all usernames old Instagram BIOS even old links that you put in your Instagram bio you can see everything now all you have to do to see all of that data is going to settings. Then go to security and then go to download data then you just put in the email address where they will email you a file with all of that data and that's it this is kind of creepy but is also kind of cool. Because you can basically reminisce on the past and what you've done on Instagram.

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